Coupon code assigned as your username

This email was for website subscribers prior to July 2nd 2020.

I have assigned your username to a coupon code that will allow free access to our Juggalo Island site and the Public blog.

If you would like to invite someone to learn more about the project you can tell them to enter your username (    ) when subscribing to either page to make access free.

This will let the system know who sent them to our website. Any friends or family that you would like to see our progress are welcome to check it out.

Thank you for all the support over the years. Our future is looking great and hopefully we are closer to the finish line than the starting line.

You can learn more about the update by clicking Here.

Shareholders can request a customized code for free on the above page.

Any site subscriber can also use the “Invite a Friend” link to send a computer generated coupon code if you don’t want to share your username.

You can also send the email to your own email address and when you get the code you can share that on social media, your own website, or anywhere you choose.

Have you sold your shares and miss your shareholder status? Message the helpdesk and lets see about selling you a share or two. The price is going to be around $9 which is more than they were originally selling for, but likely cheaper than most people sold for. Also if you are a shareholder that paid more than $10 a share, message the helpdesk and lets see if I can help lower your average price per share by selling you a share or two.

Want a nickname for commenting on the site? Update your wordpress details here

Shareholders can also discuss this email on the shareholder page Here

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